Dear BurRanch Members, as you can see our water level is at an all time low. We are all hoping for increased flows in our river but in the mean time, please be aware of potential hazards. The following are links to some of the most common water borne hazards;
Naegleria fowleri, an amoeba (also known as brain eating amoeba). Infection is rare and typically occurs when people go swimming or diving in warm freshwater, especially stagnant warmer water. Fatality rate is 97%.
E. coli is a bacteria that can cause sickness. E. coli is in n poop from both animals and humans and can end up in all types of water sources including ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and wells water supplies that have not been disinfected. If you swallow contaminated water, you could get sick. Low water and no flows increase concentrations. E. coli threshold for primary contact recreation in Texas is 126 per 100 mL. “Even where the concentration of indicator bacteria is less than the criteria..there is still some risk of contracting waterborne diseases.”
Probably also useful to know some information about snakes as well. This is from TPWD:
We are always trying to improve our park. Send us an email so we can contact you for help. Please check here and our private Facebook group.
We appreciate all our regular park users for helping keep the park clean and locking the gate when coming and going, and to all the hard working volunteers tending the land. At our annual summer meeting each year, we elect a new board of trustees to oversee the care of the land for the coming year. They are usually a mix of new and old faces, but all of them love the park and are eager to serve. We're so grateful!
Our beautiful river park is worth preserving - and that takes the vital efforts of caring volunteers who live in and use the park. The board of trustees meet 5 times a year, and help maintain security, cleanliness, and park projects - but we need and appreciate willing members for mowing, weed-whacking, tree trimming, and larger landscaping and land-protection projects.
As many of you know, the security of the park is one of the biggest challenges the board of trustees faces every year. It's a beautiful park in a beautiful neighborhood and most of our members and residents are fantastically supportive and protective of the park. But its beauty is a draw for the rowdy few too - and sadly, they break our lock and chain and gate several times each summer.
You can help by locking the gate each time you drive by and see it open, and every time you use the park yourself. You can help by calling the sheriff's office any time you see vandals or trespassers.
Volunteers planted 162 seedlings of Emory Sedge, White Top Sedge, and Spike Rush along the cut bank to prevent further erosion. While doing this, we found many of these plants already growing in abundance in several areas; so we are confident nature is helping with our restoration efforts! The riparian grass seed planted in the winter ha
Volunteers planted 162 seedlings of Emory Sedge, White Top Sedge, and Spike Rush along the cut bank to prevent further erosion. While doing this, we found many of these plants already growing in abundance in several areas; so we are confident nature is helping with our restoration efforts! The riparian grass seed planted in the winter has also come up farther up the bank, which will help to protect the raw cliff face from future flood waters. We were especially encouraged to find that 13 of the cypress tree saplings we planted over the winter are alive and doing well. Please use only designated river access points and take care to keep children and pets off of the sensitive river bank where these newly planted trees and sedges are growing.
Please remember that our park is an environmentally sensitive riparian area. Do not take it upon yourself to cut grass or fallen trees, or to plant trees or other vegetation in the park area without board approval. We have an ongoing, deliberate restoration plan underway—unapproved efforts may cause unintentional harm. Contact the board with your ideas, or if you’re interested in volunteering, in order to coordinate with our planning and efforts. We would love your help!