This is a private park, designated for the use of Burnett Ranch members and their invited guests ONLY. Trespassers and vandals will be prosecuted.
Park Hours
The park is open for the enjoyment of our community members from Daylight to Sunset, 365 days a year. Occasionally, park maintenance or volunteer cleanup days are scheduled, which may restrict usage of the park. The park will be closed subject to bad weather and/or occasional flooding.
Any person in the park must be a landowner or a guest of such. Persons who drive into the park, or park along the road and enter on foot, must display a current BuRanch Vehicle Sticker on the windshield of their vehicle(s). Guest vehicles must display a guest pass AND must be in the vicinity of your vehicle. Hays County Law dictates that parking within 50 feet of the bridge is prohibited.
Visitors must be accompanied by their sponsoring member in good standing. The park is for use only by members, their immediate families, and personal (non-paying) guests. Members who violate this rule may have their membership revoked without refund. Advertising our river park as an amenity for paying guests is also prohibited. Members in good standing are issued a key to the locked gate at the entrance. You must close and lock the gate every time you enter or leave the park area.
If problems arise regarding unauthorized visitors please call the Hays County Sheriff's department, 512-393-7896, requesting assistance at theBurnett Ranch Park, 251 Valley View, Wimberley, Tx .
To enhance the enjoyment and protect the safety of park visitors, as well as the natural beauty of our park, these rules must be followed at all times:
Guidelines for Groups
If you are planning to have a group event at the river, please email here to let us know. These are the guidelines for groups.
Group size is limited to 10 guests - group size larger than 10 must be approved by board in advance.
Property owners must email an acceptance of the requirements